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Showing posts from May, 2020

Success stories of smallholder farmers on EOA in Ethiopia

Ecological organic agriculture operates based on ecosystem functions. It embraces indigenous knowledge of local people, innovations and scientifically researched findings. In the areas where the EOA project implemented, there are several successes achieved on the production and establishment of market linkages. Follow the link below to listen to the success story of farmers in Dessie area, Ethiopia.

Is GMO another Pandemic to Ethiopia?

The year 2020 came with a pandemic which posed a threat to the very survival of human beings in the planet's face. The pandemic started in china and spread worldwide like a wind assisted wild fire – reaching every corner of the world. It caused millions of infections and hundreds of thousands of deaths throughout the world. It has forced governments to order total lockdowns, forced events that require public gatherings to be cancelled – including the famous European sport competitions and the Olympics. Since its first detection on March 13, 2020, 261 people were infected, with 5 deaths to date, with COVID-19 in Ethiopia. The pandemic caused huge socio-economic problems worldwide, one of which being food production and distribution. This will cause food shortage unless ways are devised to tackle the problem – with safety precautions recommended by WHO practiced to stay safe and productive. Amides the COVID-19 situation, a report came out in Ethiopia stating that the government...