Shitu Huba is a 45 years old smallholder farmer who lives in Holeta, Oromia region of Ethiopia. She has eight children, and she is the head of the family. Farming is the livelihood for her family. She grows cereals, fruits and vegetables both for consumption of her family and as a means of cash income. “My parents were farmers, and I grew up watching and exercising farming, which made things easier for my farming today” said Shitu when she spoke about her farming experiences. She practices mixed farming with both crop production and livestock rearing going side by side. She uses her compound for a complex set of function including the production of diversified home garden vegetables. She uses manure from her livestock, poultry droppings, and remains of animal feed as inputs for her compost set in her backyard. “Anything compostable goes to my compost pit” said Shitu when explaining about her compost preparation. Farmyard manure and compost are the main inputs she uses to enhance s...