Urban agriculture in Addis Ababa is contributing a lot to food supply in the city. The city sources most of the vegetables from urban farmers and farmers in the peri-urban areas. Urban farmers in Addis produce vegetables for home consumption and as a source of income for their families. There are also urban agriculture practitioners who grow vegetables only for home consumption. Mr Yilma Bizuneh is one of the urban agriculture implementers who grows different vegetable types for home consumption. When asked about his experience in vegetable production, he said that he used to grow a few vegetables in pots. His backyard was open only to grow grass and weeds, especially during the rainy season. He started growing vegetables in his backyard after the wide-ranging promotions of home gardening by the city administration. Mr Yilma is now sourcing vegetables for his family consumption from his backyard. He adds compostable household wastes in the backyard to decompose there. The added bi...